

Thursday, August 11, 2022

Welcome to Room 18!


Welcome to First Grade! I am so glad that your child will be learning and growing in Room 18 this year. I am working hard to get our classroom ready!  

        McGovern School Self-Guided Tour
I will be setting up our classroom (Room 18) on Wednesday, August 24 from 9-11 am if you would like to stop in and say hello. I can't wait to meet you and show you around our classroom.

Google Forms
  •  Getting to Know Your Child I would like to know more about your child so that I can better meet his or her individual needs.  Please use this link and take a moment to complete this get-to-know-you form and submit it to me no later than Friday, September 9th.

  • Class Directory Oftentimes throughout the school year, families from our classroom reach out to me asking for contact information for different students for various reasons such as sending birthday party invitations and coordinating playdates. I am not allowed to share this private information, BUT each year I create a shared contact class directory where parents CAN share contact information ONLY if they are comfortable with the families of our classroom having access to it. Please use this link to enter the contact information you would like to share in our class directory. Should you have any questions, please let me know. I hope you find this helpful in coordinating outside-of-school activities and fostering friendships.

First Day of School
School begins on Wednesday, August 31st, 2021.  Here are a few things you will need on the first day of school:

  • First Day of School Dismissal Bracelets
In your back-to-school letter from me, you should have received
four paper bracelets that your child will need to wear on the first
four days of school. Each bracelet is dated. Please fill out the
information on the bracelet (name and bus# to take home on the
first day of school. If you are going to pick up your child, please cross out
“Bus Number” and write in “Parent Pick-Up.”). Cut out on the border,
fit to your child’s wrist, and tape. 
  • A healthy snack and lunch (or lunch money/number) with your child's full name on it. Please send a snack/drink in a SEPARATE bag from lunch.  Snack and lunch are kept in different places.

Explore the Classroom Blog
Please take some time to explore all of the pages, posts, and links on
this blog. It is filled with lots of helpful information and resources. In
an effort to be green, my blog will be the PRIMARY way I will inform
you about important dates, special events, curriculum, and so
much more. My goal is to communicate with you in a more efficient
and visual manner and to provide you with a "window into our
classroom" on a regular basis. I can't wait to share what has been
happening in Room 18 with you! 

Thank you so much for helping your child get ready for first grade. Please e-mail me if you have any questions at hjackson@medwayschools.org. I cannot wait to meet your child and look forward to a happy and productive school year!


Hilary Jackson