

Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Math Update: Unit 2, Lesson 14 Add Three Numbers

We continue to learn that numbers can be put together and taken apart in different ways. This week your child will learn to use different strategies to add three numbers.  

A family letter will come home in your child's BEE Book today.


Hilary Jackson

Thursday, December 15, 2022

Math Update: Unit 2 Lesson 13 - Totals Greater than 10

This week your child is learning about using familiar addition strategies to work with numbers up to 10. Family Letter will come home in your child's backpack tomorrow (12/16/22).  


There will be no math tonight, as we took the math quiz for Lesson 12.


Hilary Jackson

Thursday, December 8, 2022

Math Update: Unit 2 Lesson 12 - Make a Ten to Add

 Dear Families,

Next week your child will learn to use the make-a-ten strategy to add two numbers. 

Family Letter will come home in your child's backpack tomorrow (12/9/22).  


There will be no math tonight, as we took the math quiz for Lesson 11.


Hilary Jackson

Thursday, December 1, 2022

December Spirit Days

December offers many multicultural celebrations that happen around the world such as Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, and Christmas. To honor these celebrations we invite the children to participate in the following spirit days:

    Friday, Dec. 2nd -  Wear white to celebrate the snow

    Friday, Dec. 9 - Black, Red, and Green for


    Friday, Dec. 16- Ugly Sweater, for Christmas, winter, or

    other holidays

    Monday, Dec. 19 - Blue for Hanukkah

    Friday, Dec. 23rd- Pajama Day


      Hilary Jackson

      White Out Day - Tomorrow

      Screen Shot 2022-12-01 at 9.59.43 AM.png

      Hello Families,

      We will kick off December Spirt Days tomorrow (Friday, Dec. 2nd) with a school-wide White Out day to celebrate the snow that is sure to come this season! The children are invited to wear white if they would like to participate.


      Hilary Jackson

      Thursday, November 17, 2022

      Pajama - Stuffed Animal Day Tomorrow


      We will have a Pajama Day/Stuffed Animal Day Tomorrow, Friday, November 19th. The children may wear pajamas and slippers or comfy/cozy clothes to school and can bring one stuffed animal (that fits inside their backpack).

      Please make sure your child has appropriate shoes and warm layers for outdoor recess.  


      Hilary Jackson